Submit Your Own Pics!

Have your own picture from Canal Fest, the Canal Summer Concert Series, lawn fete or other outdoor event you think should be included? Send a text or e-mail with the image attached to by clicking the link, and we'll review it and possibly enshrine it on the interwebs forever!

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Warning: This is meant in a fun, satirical, comedic and downright hilarious nature. If your picture is on the site and you wish it to be removed, send a kind email and we will do so. If you want us to change the comments, then let us know and we'll think of something new and sexy. Thank you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Please turn in your man card

Now, we will admit, good job on scoring the hottie. Nice work. Eight thumbs up from the crew here at PoCF. But there is only two things that makes this acceptable. One, you're drunk, and you really have no idea what you're doing. I remember this one time Jimmy got up on the...he's looking at me angrily. Well, we won't share that story. Moving on... Two, you've taken enough allergy medication that,'re drunk. The pajama pants, the stuffed animal and the wig, all enough on their own to make you turn in your man card. You put them together, and it's one big giant mess. For your sake, we hope there is a really good reason.

Thanks to Stephanie for her submission.


  1. this can not possible be real LOL

  2. She is what bcuz she's dressed like a slut that makes her hot? She's the.bigger mess of the pic

  3. He probably lost a bet
