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Have your own picture from Canal Fest, the Canal Summer Concert Series, lawn fete or other outdoor event you think should be included? Send a text or e-mail with the image attached to by clicking the link, and we'll review it and possibly enshrine it on the interwebs forever!

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Warning: This is meant in a fun, satirical, comedic and downright hilarious nature. If your picture is on the site and you wish it to be removed, send a kind email and we will do so. If you want us to change the comments, then let us know and we'll think of something new and sexy. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...a bit of a gut...

Yes, thank you vigilant reader! Big ups to David K for sending in this one.  Not only for the picture, but finding out he calls himself, wait for it, Vapor Man! It is safe to say we are afraid to ask what his super power is. Releasing noxious fumes into the air rendering all within a ten foot radius unconscious. Using swamp gas to reflect the light from Venus off his suit to blind his opponent. Or, well, maybe something not so super...probably more along along the lines of being able to belch the alphabet in one shot. In either case, we have some advise. Now, as I look around the room, we are not the fittest of people. However, that being said, when choosing spandex, let's remember, that it doesn't hide much...or anything. Instead you look like a reject from a WWF D-Generation X skit from the late 90s. And if there was an emergency fifty feet away, something tells me Vapor Man would get winded running half that distance. At least have the decency to suck in the gut...unless you already are. In which case, maybe you should consider a gym, or possibly NOT DRESSING IN SPANDEX!

Thanks again to David K.


  1. I feel safer knowing Vaopr Man is out there somewhere... in someones bushes.

  2. Funny picture, bad writing. All you need is one funny line and let the picture tell the story. Ex. Bryan's comment above...

  3. That's what happens when you write on a hangover. We fully admit we're not exactly going to win any awards for our writing.

  4. Great pic, writing started out funny, and I agree with anonymous, should have quit before you got mean.

  5. It might have been funny if i didnt know why he had the outfit on

  6. Andy Osborne! Co-Owner of Vapor Trail. Really awesome guy!
