Submit Your Own Pics!

Have your own picture from Canal Fest, the Canal Summer Concert Series, lawn fete or other outdoor event you think should be included? Send a text or e-mail with the image attached to by clicking the link, and we'll review it and possibly enshrine it on the interwebs forever!

Social Media

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Warning: This is meant in a fun, satirical, comedic and downright hilarious nature. If your picture is on the site and you wish it to be removed, send a kind email and we will do so. If you want us to change the comments, then let us know and we'll think of something new and sexy. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Supa Dupa Fupa! [Redux]

[Please stand by for a very important message.] Hello everyone. I come to you with a serious message. We removed a post. I know, it comes as a shock. So I'll pause to let you take that in. ... Ready? Good. This post is dedicated to those who hide behind anonymous comments, crying, complaining, and trying to cause problems. Yeah, see, this "hiding" stuff goes both ways. So, there! It's a freaking joke, people! Suck it up! If you don't like it, don't visit! ::clears throat:: Sorry. Anyways, turns out, some people like to have issues with things we post and write. In most situations, we simply laugh and make fun of them, only privately off of the blog. But democratically, the board of directors and I decided to remove the post in question. It hurt, thinking of all the hard work that went into it, but we did it. Did I cry? Maybe a little. But that's besides the point. In it's place, we post this. We'll simply allow the great people who visit us to make up their own comments. We here at People of Canal Fest are simply here to entertain. For those who don't appreciate our humor, well, you are entitled to your opinion, but then again, you do have the option of not visiting. Because that's what America was built on. Freedom. And greed, but mostly the other stuff. This is the internet. 90% porn, 8% crude and lewd sites, and 2% information. Margin of error, 2%. We will continue to do what we do immature, make crude and tasteless jokes, and quite possibly offend absolutely everyone. At least until 2012 when the world ends...yeah, sure it will. In closing, continue to feel free to express yourself via comments, and we will continue making fun of unsuspecting people, because that's just what we do. Thank you America, and good night. [We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.]


  1. damn.....a fupa, kankles, and cottage cheese for biceps.......barf

  2. LOL great Picture!!


  4. does ryan wirth have anything to do with this cite

  5. Why does her arm look like the Turkey Legs they were selling on sweeney?!?!? Now I dont regret getting one!!!

  6. you regret it i had to talk you out of it..

  7. barf-a-roni, the real San Francisco treat!
