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Warning: This is meant in a fun, satirical, comedic and downright hilarious nature. If your picture is on the site and you wish it to be removed, send a kind email and we will do so. If you want us to change the comments, then let us know and we'll think of something new and sexy. Thank you.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sweet land of Liberty

She sure looks a whole lot different without the toga. Actually, it looks as if Max Headroom and the Statue of Liberty had a child. (Yes, a Max Headroom joke.  Look it up.) But again, wearing the foam hat, or going shirtless, or the underwear, or, well, you get the their own, they were not enough.  But together, ah yes, together they create a perfect Canal Fest storm.


  1. WTF!? That shirtless dude looks familiar. Is that... nahhh, it can't be.

  2. what the hell does the chick in the chair have in her lap? does she need a shave?
